The plug-and-play microscope for TB (Mycobacterium tuberculosis)

  • With fully integrated Royal Blue and White LED illumination (long life light emitting diodes)
  • High fluorescence illumination with standard objectives: no need for dedicated fluorescence lenses.
  • Excellent price/performance ratio.

fluoledtb_1FLUOLED® TB-SCOPE is a truly plug-and-play microscope dedicated to the observation of Auramine O stained Mycobacterium tuberculosis slides. White light illumination for the Ziehl-Neelsen staining method is available as well.

No installation procedure is required: out of the box and directly on the table, switch on and start. Battery pack operation is available as well.

FLUOLED® TB-SCOPE is safe: no UV light is emitted by the light source and a safety switch blocks undesired light through the oculars. Thanks to transmitted light illumination the standard objectives delivered with the microscope work very well, with an excellent signal intensity. The high signal intensity is particularly helpful for fast and reliable definition of the focus layer.

Fluorescence excitation is provided by a Royal Blue LED emitting an extremely efficient and narrow spectrum only in the desired bandwidth, thus producting an excellent signal-to-noise ratio.

Application examples:

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
